Monday 25 March 2013

Welcome Pandas

A few classes made this video to welcome two pandas from China to the Toronto zoo.
We are singing to a song called "We're Gonna Be Friends" ,some of us sang and some of us played the ukulele.

Here is the link to the video we made!
Panda Video

Friday 22 March 2013

Music With A Message

For my music with a message I did a song called If I Had A Million Dollars.

I think the message is if you had to chose between the love of your life or 1 million dollars he would chose the love of his life.

Do think that's the message or do think its something else?

Lip Dub

For those of you who do not know what a lip dub is, it is basically a song being played and people are lip sinking to it.

This is a very touching video and shows how much he loved her to put all that work into proposing. 

The Dragon

This is a picture of the Space X Dragon.

The dragon delivers fresh foods for the astronauts in the I.S.S, as well as science experiments, for example they shipped tons of seeds to the I.S.S.
Chris quotes:
What a day! Reached & grabbed a Dragon, berthed her to Station & opened the hatch to find fresh fruit, notes from friends, and peanut butter

Embedded image permalink
Chris quote: Success! Canadarm2 holds Dragon by the nose, to drag it up and hook it on to a Station hatch

If you want to check out some of the comments and pictures Chris post here is a link: Chris's Comments

Thursday 21 March 2013

Stop Motion!

Today our class filmed our stop motion!
It was so fun working with the cameras! I can not wait to see them on the big screen at May Fair and to see how they turned out!
Here are some awesome stop motions!

Blues In The School

Its kind of late but here are the links to our performance!
Mustache Song
Back To Nature
It was such an awesome experience to work with Ana and Amanda.I LOVED IT!

Monday 4 March 2013

Ukulele Clubs Blog

Here is ukuleles club blog it shows you all  about what songs we are learning and working on in the club.Uke clubs blog

Our Class Blog

Our class has its very own blog if you want to check it out!
There are post on the blog that describe what we do in the day and some activities or projects we are working on!

Blues In The School!

I had an amazing time with blues in the school(B.I.T.S for short) and i hope you guys did too!
Now our class gets to spend an extra week with Amanda and Ana. It has been so fun for the last two days we spent working with them!
We are working on two songs:
Song 1. The No Mustache Blues
Song 2. A Song About The Environment/Animals
Were already done the first song and we are going to work on the second song soon.

My first post

Welcome to my Blog this is my first post!
I am thrilled to be in the blog business!!!